You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Stock Takes > Stock Take form defined

Stock Take form defined

This section of the form details the summary information about the stock take.

Field Description
Stock Take No Number assigned to the stock take when saving it for the first time and cannot be changed. Numbering is controlled by the System Numbers form setting Stock Take
Warehouse The physical and logical warehouse that the stock take was done on
Date Prompts to the current login date. Select the date from the drop down arrow
Mode Select from the drop down arrow, which allows by Part No or by Bin Location

If the system setting in Inventory > BinLocationMode is set to N/A, this field displays Part Number and cannot be changed

Max Rows Type in the maximum number of rows to be shown on the stock take form
Auto Activate Select Yes / No from the drop down list, if yes when saving the stock take will be activated
Closed Once the stock take has been activated the closed status is displayed
Get Zero SOH Tick or untick this box when creating a new stock take. When ticked, all rows in the range are returned to the grid, otherwise only items with stock are displayed in the grid for counting

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Part Grid Section

Serialised Stock